How to hide man boobs?

As a plastic surgeon, I empathise with guys who may feel ashamed or self-conscious about gynecomastia (man boobs). Many individuals, particularly the youth, feel the same way when their bodies do not align with society standards or norms.

It is crucial to bear in mind that gynecomastia is a prevalent condition and does not determine your value as an individual.

You are Not Alone

Gynecomastia impacts numerous guys, irrespective of their age or background. Approximately 70% of adolescent boys may develop gynecomastia throughout puberty, and it can also manifest in adult males due to reasons like hormone imbalances, drug adverse effects, or genetics.

Let’s figure out some statistics for 2022,

  • The Total No. of surgical procedures performed in 2022 is 80,23,297, in which GYNECOMASTIA SURGERY PERFORMED WORLDWIDE IN 2022 is 305,340 comapre to 282,997 in 2021
  • And in India, total number of surgical procedures performed 387,767 in 2022, and GYNECOMASTIA SURGERY PERFORMED in India 2022 is 33,621, compared to 31,104 in 2021.

Hiding man boobs can be a concern for some individuals. While it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice, here are some general tips that may help:

Wear Compression Shirts or Tank Tops:

Compression garments are designed to flatten the chest area and provide a smoother appearance under clothing. Look for compression shirts or tank tops specifically designed for gynecomastia or chest compression.

Choose Dark Colors and Patterns:

Dark-colored clothing tends to minimize the appearance of bulges and shadows. Additionally, wearing clothing with patterns or textures can help distract the eye from the chest area.

Avoid Tight-Fitting Tops:

Tight-fitting shirts can accentuate the chest area. Opt for looser, more relaxed fits that don’t cling to the body.

Layer Clothing:

Layering can be used to hide the chest area. For instance, layering a button-up shirt or a sweater on top of a T-shirt can offer extra coverage.


Good posture can impact the appearance of your chest. Improve your overall silhouette by standing up straight with your shoulders back.

Exercise and Diet:

Consistent physical activity and a nutritious diet can gradually decrease body fat, particularly fat in the chest region. Concentrate on workouts that specifically work the chest muscles, like push-ups, chest presses, and chest flyes.

Consider Surgical Options:

Surgery may be considered for severe cases of gynecomastia that are unresponsive to other therapies. Liposuction or mastectomy can decrease breast size and enhance chest shape.

Keep in mind that each individual’s physique is unique, and a method that is effective for one person may not yield the same results for another. It is crucial to discover ways that help you feel at ease and self-assured in your own identity.

If gynecomastia is causing distress, consult a healthcare provider or mental health expert for assistance and advice.