Safe liposuction for Gynecomastia

S- Separation - Separation of fat cells by using power assisted liposuction cannula along with high powered tumescent fluid flow that is given before liposuction to numb and achieve bloodless field. A special basket cannula is used to break the strands and separate fat cells that can be easily aspirated.

A - Aspiration – Aspiration of fat is then done using power assisted liposuction also known as Microaire. This step allows smoother removal of fat thus ensuring less bruising, less swelling and early recovery.

FE- Fat Equalisation – This step ensures that post liposuction, there are no contour abnormalities. Microaire device allows remaining under the skin/ subcutaneous fat to be evenly distributed thus giving better results than other liposuction techniques.

SAFE liposuction technique was developed by famous Plastic Surgeon from USA – Dr. Simon Wall Jr.

Dr. Anmol Chugh has been one of the earliest adopters of this technique in India which has benefitted thousands of his patients to have early recovery and better results post liposuction.


  • Less Bruising
  • Less Downtime
  • Less Swelling
  • Speedy recovery
  • Best for redo liposuction
  • Takes out stubborn fat with ease
  • No contour deformities
  • Less effort for surgeons and hence better results

Recovery & Results

  • Generally same day discharge or maximum one day depending on the extent of liposuction
  • Rest for two days and return to job especially desk job easily.
  • Mild to no pain post-surgery because of easy removal of fat
  • Mild soreness or discomfort that gets resolved in 3- 4 days
  • Immediate results seen but best results can be appreciated after 8 weeks.
  • Results keep on improving up to an year.

Combining Liposuction and Gynecomastia Surgery for Male Body Contouring

It's possible to combine liposuction and gynecomastia like surgeries for male body contouring! This procedure can help you to have a toned torso, and a more defined chest.

Combining Liposuction and Gynecomastia Surgery for Male Body Contouring